Sunday, November 3, 2013

Finding Peace In Kindness

Besides my own writing, I do actually like to visit other people's blog to read their piece of mind or their life experience. I like to read what do these bloggers think of an issue, how do they feel about something, how they react to surprises or what excites them in life. I may not totally agree with their views sometimes, but hey, that makes us unique and special as a human being. Each and everyone of us have our very own thought flows and pool of emotions that match uniquely with our desires, life encounters and destiny.

I came across to this topic 'Random Acts of Kindness' (RAoK) in few blogs that I visited. There are also announcements in radio about it lately. I have heard of it and did it for sure, but reading about it made me stop and really think about it. Have I done enough RAoK lately?

Wikipedia defines RAoK as a selfless act performed by a person or people wishing to either assist or cheer up an individual person or people. It is believed that this phrase was sired by Anne Herbert, an American writer that promoted practice of kindness in general.

Back to my story, after reading about RAoK, I sat back and thought what RAoK had I done on that day? Really readers, it took me a while to figure out.

Before I started my career, RAoK was something that used to be pretty common for me. However, I realised that since I started working, I was just so engrossed with it that I lack of RAoK. I didn't have time to think about it and I didn't have time to do it. All I care was work. Work, work, work and work! Perform and deliver before deadlines.

Nevertheless, after so many years busy with work, I realised that something was amiss. A part of my inner peace was like, gone? As much as I cheer up myself by hanging out with family and friends, listening to music, watching movies and do all the fun things in general, I knew deep down that there was something else that I did not do much and did not truly comfort me.That is RAoK.

I reminisced the times before which I consistently practised RAoK. It doesn't really require money actually. Simple and cheerful greeting, asking how is the person's day, lending ears and shoulders to those who need it are actually considered as RAoK and no money is required to do that.

Upon reading the article and listening to the radio announcements, I decided to instill this RAoK strongly in me because I know for sure it had worked well for me in the past. I want that sense of peacefulness in me again and RAoK is one of the best ways to do it. 

I finally started to embrace it. A colleague of mine recently did a very well-written report and shared it with the team. My normal self would respond "Oh I saw the email, thanks but I'm kinda busy and will read the report later." Well, I decided to change that. I stopped working for a while, had a quick read on the report and responded to him "Thank you for the report and you did a good job :)" 

That colleague instantly replied "Thank you Aida :D". His reply just made me realised that how appreciative he was when someone actually acknowledges his effort. He was very happy, but more importantly, I felt really happy for making this colleague of mine happy that it increases my inner peace by 10 points! Immediately. Did I have to fork out some cash to make this person happy? No. I just spent less than 5 minutes of my time to make that happened. Did I lose anything with that very few minutes I spent? No. Instead, I feel I'm a better person with a bigger heart and have a total peace in my mind and heart. Amazing. Why didn't I continue doing this from last time??? *pinches self*

Since then, I encouraged myself to do more RAoK. I want that old self of mine that I used to be. Instead of looking empty when passing by other people, especially strangers, I acknowledge their presence by smiling to them. Guess what, they smiled back at me! From their original flat, emotionless expression earlier. Now you have two people who are unknown to each other but feel happier and better about themselves. Isn't it great? 

There are plenty of ways to do RAoK and I'm very thankful that I have been given the opportunities to practice RAoK whenever I can and able to do it. I try to make it at least once a day. Alhamdulillah, I had a chance to do it again today. I was driving and while queueing in the lane, there was this family with small children wanted to cross the other side of the road. All other cars passed by and did not give a chance to them to cross over. When it was my turn, I was like "what the heck, it's not like I'm rushing for anything". So I stopped my car and let the whole family walked across the road safely. The father smiled and waved at me signalling 'thank you'. That gesture just made my day. I can feel that I am coming back to the sense of tranquillity that I used to have. 

I remembered there was one time that I was so upset over something happened that my tears couldn't stop flowing. I was in a train at that time and was drowned with my own emotion. But I got a good surprise despite in sadness. There was this very nice lady handed me a tissue to wipe my tears. She did that as if she understood what I was going through. Honestly, I thought that was the best RAoK from a stranger to me. Unforgettable indeed.

I am smiling to myself right now. I guess life is not just about work only. Jangan asyik busy buat kerja jer ok.  Or busy buat-buat tak tau. Toleh-toleh and pandang-pandang la kiri kanan and smile. Tu pun kira buat pahala jugak :)

Let's make our world a greater place to live with RAoK.

"When we feel love and kindness toward others, it not only makes others feel loved and cared for, but it helps us also to develop inner happiness and peace" - The 14th Dalai Lama (1935). Image taken from

P/S: Starting from this month, I will run fun polls (I do hope it is fun to you!) to get readers' opinion on issues, trends or just anything.  I am currently running a poll 'Do you believe love at first sight?', which you can find on the left sidebar. This poll will go on for two weeks from now. I truly appreciate if you could spent a few seconds to answer and participate in this poll. It is kinda fun to find out what do most people think of it :) thanks!


Farah I. said...

try random act of kindness everyday... i am trying.. saying hi to people is a good way to start..

Unknown said...

That's a great way to start! :)