Monday, October 28, 2013

In Need Of Bowel Reminder?

Dear readers, I went for car servicing on one weekend. While waiting for my car to be serviced, I walked to the restroom of the service centre. Quite clean and comfortable to use I thought until I saw this notice:

Seriously, toilet memo? I always thought memo is only meant for office and business purposes, but it turns out that toilets too have 'business' of its own. For anonymity purpose, I decided to erase the name, designation and organisation of the particular person who issued the memo. Funny as it is, I however thought that this person had done a good job in ensuring the entire premise is clean, well done!

Now the question is back to us. Why is it that this particular company would have possibly issued such memo to remind us how to use toilet? Don't you think it is sad?

"Ala, ni sure pendatang asing punya kerja ni buat toilet kotor," I'm sure that would first cross our mind when we encounter this kind of issue. We prefer to blame other people instead.

To be fair, I surveyed the whole place to see if they have foreign workers there but I can assure you there was none! The employees are local, as well as the customers. Anyway, I don't expect to see this group of foreigners there since I don't think majority of them own this car. Proton pun belum tentu lagi.

I don't know about you but this bothers me. What's wrong with us? After decades of independence, rapid growth and economic development, the culture and mindset of the majority doesn't seem to parallel with the paradigm shift. Look and read the notice below. I seriously couldn't help laughing every time I enter this particular wash room at a shopping mall.

Apa ke jadahnya. I mean like, really people? Do we need this reminder? Are we so backward that we need to be taught how to sit properly on the toilet bowl?!! *slaps forehead* Not just that, there are also public service announcements in radio stations to remind us "don't forget to flush", "make sure it's clean like how you want it to be when you enter" and etc. Come on! We cannot be this low, right?

We always wish for change. We crave for it and that is good. It serves the whole purpose of living. We cannot remain constant in life by sitting down, wishing and hoping things will change for the better on its own. Segala kebaikan dan kekayaan turun dari langit dengan begitu sahaja. In your dreams la kak jah oii.

So why not, while aiming for bigger changes to take place in life, let's start with smaller ones like be more hygienic and considerate to other people. Change starts with us, even for the smallest thing. It is not an autopilot process and a little effort is no harm. 

Big change can never take place if we can't even manage the simplest things, such as hygiene. My only hope is that I will not see such 'memos' lying around in wash rooms or hear such radio announcements in future.

Pemikiran yang hebat, pekerti yang hebat dan budaya yang hebat mampu menggerakkan getar hati dan jiwa sesiapa sahaja untuk berbuat baik, hatta hamba yang cetek ilmu sekali pun. 

We can do it. And we should start doing it. Like, now?


Farah I. said...

it comes back to our personal hygiene education i think.. some people are not 'trained' to be hygiene aware kot..

Sham Kamarul said...

masih ramai sebenarnya yang kurang faham tentang jambang duduk ni. Ada masa pengguna jamban duduk tidak bertangung jawab ketika melaksana hajat besar perutnya.

Contoh, dari perspektif perempuan, apabila kencing atau hajat besar, mungkin najis turun teratur mengikut apa yang dijangkakan. Tapi bagi lelaki yang mempunyai belalai, ada kemungkinan terkencing atas tempat duduk.

Kebanyakan lelaki adalah malas untuk bersihkan kembali.

Bagi saya adalah selesa untuk cangkung diatas jamban duduk awam kerana keprihatinan saya terhadap kebersihan.

Unknown said...

Yes, I think this goes back to education at home. Kalau kat rumah tak diajar betul-betul, nnt tabiat kotor tu dibawa sampai kat luar.

Hehe Sham, I believe at the end of the day, kalau kita tak sengaja terbuat kotor lepas guna toilet, kita should take initiative to clean our mess sbb mungkin ada org lain dah standby kat luar tunggu turn nak tunggu toilet. diorang pun ada perasaan :)

Kekzamanis said...

Ada la tu yang jenis pengotor tak reti nak jaga kebersihan. Sampai terpaksa dikeluarkan memo macam tu.. Tourist tengok & baca ni wat malu jer.. Rakyat Malaysia tak pandai jaga kebersihan ke? Huhu..

Unknown said...

Betul rosmiza, buat malu jer kat orang luar. As if org Malaysia ni tak reti basic hygiene. Haihh :|

Unknown said...

rasanya ramai tidak suka tandas duduk awam..hehe knah pun sama..gelii.. lebih baik guna tandas cangkung..

flamingsteamboatbukapuasa said...

orang cangkung kat atas jamban sebab geli nak duduk. malas nak basuh toilet seat.